Sunday 2 November 2014

Pastel Noir

Pastels with black - a combination which was practically invented by the domestic Art Deco bathroom. Of all the places I've lived, I have never been lucky enough to land one, but settled for adoring them from afar. They're making a bit of a comeback currently, with a modern twist. Hands up to confessing I'm a purist when it comes to restoring, not imitating, but one earned my admiration recently, here, because they had honored the original tile and ethos. The vanity is a restored antique sympathetic to the room, if not purely 1930's. I'm yelling Chrome Handles at the screen.
However, pastels with black are simply too good to limit to the 30's. They work together like a dream. Not easy to source either! An untapped vein, if you will, but naturally some stunners are lined up for your delectation. I winkled them out of the ether. I'm so good to you. 
The next photo is possibly my dream room. It's an over-used phrase, but I cannot see a single element I'd alter, which is rare. I always want to fiddle around with everybody else's decor, it's a disease. My compulsion. I need Decorators Anonymous. 
OK, maybe I'd change the table cherubs into roses. And that cherub on the velvet painting. Oh fuck it. 
Anyway, anyway. Lemon with a black Verner Panton chair from 1960.
Modern with retro impact. Bloody nice chrome molding, hate them for thinking of it. Irascible today. Or possibly curmudgeonly.
Look at these Deco doors defining the powder blue room beyond! Swooning.
Mobalpa mint kitchen..sleek, sophisticated. Check out that light. Perfection.
 Country cottage with edginess.
 Kept it simple.
Sensational - and a pretty brave decision considering the Georgian plaster they were working with. I do love a risk, and look how it pays off!
Love these rugs, modern take on a very traditional theme. Go big.
Ornately feminine: black walls set behind the furniture makes the pieces sing.

What, you thought I was leaving you without a Fabulada picture? Wait for it, it doesn't get camper than this ~

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