Sunday, 13 April 2014

Mash It Up

Only the most skilled can throw random colors together and get a result that truly seems like they mean it. It takes a Phd in Hue and I truly admire those who have the talent. Many people are actually fearful of colors, which is really quite bizarre until you realize that most people want to blend in and go unnoticed. To stand out is to invite hostility, to be apart from a social group. It takes guts, take it from a woman who was pink haired for 12 years.
So let's celebrate eclectic and random in all its glory and the gift of those who can pull it off. 

Happy to credit if you can tell me! 

So truly, if you mix the same tones together, it works.

Honey, let me decorate the room in peach, turquoise, white, gold, red and acid yellow. That OK with you?  

Green, turquoise, peach, red, silver, blue, white Well done there! Fantastic! 

A funky little beach house. Joie de Vivre at its most exuberant. Go for it. 

Oh yes. Bring it on. Now you're talking. 

New Yawk loft living. Me, I'd paint the brick - why stop there?

Rounding it up with a last hurrah of riotousness...

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